【禁聞】訪民年終聚餐 橫幅被搶

【新唐人2013年02月05日訊】訪民年終聚餐 橫幅被搶














Banner Grabbed at Petitioners’ Year-end Dinner Party

On February 4, nearly 100 petitioners from across China
held a “spring-heralding” dinner at a restaurant in Beijing.
At the end of the dinner, some petitioners unrolled a banner
saying “Officials’ Assets Declaration Requested”.
The banner was soon grabbed by some unidentified people,
who even shouted insults at the female petitioners present.

The Voice of America reported that rights activist Hu Jia
was at the scene.
He said that eight or nine suspected plainclothes officers
were shooting videos across the street.
Later, the police car arrived, and tailed Hu Jia’s car for
quite a distance.

VOA’s report quoted a Shanghai Petitioner Wu Yufen.

She said if officials’ wealth is legal, they’d have the
courage to be truthful with the public.
If the assets are illegitimate, they naturally dare not
to make any declaration.

“Down With the Communist Party" Shouted Outside City Hall

Wang Dengchao was former police at Luohu Branch of
Shenzhen police department.
He was given 14. and a half-year jail term, charged with
“corruption & impairing public administration”.
The trial, scheduled on February 1st, was postponed for
defense lawyer’s questioning of a procedural violation.
On Feb. 1st outside the court, some netizens held banners
and placards in support of Wang.
At least two of them were taken away by the police.

the Epoch Times reported that Huang Wenxun, a local youth,
was forcibly taken away by the police outside the court.
Huang, in protest, shouted “Down with the Communist Party",
drawing crowds of onlookers.

At the police station, Huang Wenxun continued shouting
“Down with the Communist Party", and was beaten by police.
The next day, he went to the police station to file his case,
but was rejected.
So again, Huang shouted “Down with the Communist Party!"

Later, Huang Wenxun arrived outside Shenzhen city hall,
shouting “Down with the Communist Party,
Down with the dictatorship!” “Establish a democratic China!”

“Long live democracy, freedom,
constitutionalism & human rights."
Huang was videoed by the local police, said the news report.

Police Threaten Li Wangling’s sister of Concealing
Li Wangyang’s Tomb Location

Wqw2010.blogspot.com.br (Rights-defending Website)
reported that Hunan police threatened Li Wangling,
sister of pro-democracy activist Li Wangyang.
Li Wangling told a friend who paid her a secret visit that
local domestic security police warned her about concealing the location of Li Wangyang’s cemetery.
If she reveals it, the police would dig up Li’s grave
and throw his ashes in the river.

Prior to that, Zhu Chengzhi, Wangyang’s friend and
a rights activist in Hunan, has been detained.
Being afraid of incriminating Zhu Chengzhi,
Li Wangling has kept this secret.
Now Zhu has been released home, with no more worries,
she will gradually disclose the truth, said the news report.

Li Wangling reportedly said many friends of Li Wangyang
want to mourn him in front of his tomb. Now she can take them there.
