【禁聞】總參喊「做打仗準備」 習近平許重獎


日前中共軍方媒體發表「總參謀部:2013年要強化打仗思想 做好打仗準備」一文後,被大陸媒體大量轉載。 《2013年全軍軍事訓練指示》要求,2013年,全軍和武警部隊要緊緊圍繞能打仗、打勝仗的目標,以軍事鬥爭準備任務為牽引,大力加強實戰化軍事訓練。













採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/君卓

China’s Getting Ready for War Is Only a Bluff

A few days ago, Japanese aircraft,
above the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands airspace,
confronted China’s military aircraft for the first time.

It was as if a Sino-Japanese War
could break out at any moment.
China’s General Staff Headquarters issued
“2013 military training instructions”.
This requested the military and armed forces to
strengthen combat thoughts and good combat preparation.
Last year, Xi Jinping not only promised to enhance the
entire military situation but also revise awards payouts.
A combat bonus can be of several hundred million dollars.

But outsiders say that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
is currently not capable to go to war with Japan.
Xi Jinping is talking about the war against Japan,
because he is challenged by other interest groups.
His authority within the party and within the military
is being threatened.
He needs to use war with other nations to cater to the
“hawks" in the military to establish his authority with them.

Chinese military media very recently published the “training
instructions” to strengthen combat thoughts and preparation.
This was also published by many Mainland media.

Military forces and armed police need to focus on fighting well
and winning to actually strengthen combat military trainings.

According to Hong Kong “Contend" magazine,
two years ago, the Political Bureau of the CCP
adopted a resolution of the Central Military Commission
to safeguard China’s sovereignty over the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands, and to prepare a solid military combat.
Four general headquarters of the military,
all branches of the military and military regions submitted written request for battle.

Xi Jinping promised protection to enhance the
whole army treatment.
In early December, the Political Bureau of the CCP Central
Committee and the State Council amended ordinance for
advancement of the military, national defense and science
and technology awards.
Research and innovation awards of military weapons and
equipment were increased by ten to fifty times.
The Grand Prize for personal awards was up to 20 million
yuan and collective awards of up to two hundred million yuan.
Combat awards increased a hundred times.

Political critic, Lan Shu said as long as
China’s domestic issues can be suppressed with guns, the CCP will not go to war with Japan.

Lan Shu: “When Jiang Zemin was in power,
he promoted a large number of generals.
When Hu Jintao came to power, he gave the military a raise.

Now, Xi Jinping is in power, the only thing he can offer is the
prize money, catering to the needs of hawks within the military.
This will also establish his authority in order to face the
challenges within the military."

After the Second World War, China repeatedly refused to
host the Diaoyu Islands.
In the 1950’s, the CCP stated many times that the Diaoyu Islands
belonged to Japan, in order to deal with the United States.

Lan Shu believes if the Diaoyu islands incident were turned
over to the International Tribunal, the CCP will lose for sure.
Since Japan owed China a lot due to the Sino-Japanese invasion,
the CCP can negotiate with Japan if it chooses.
Japan will join in to develop the Diaoyu Islands
willingly with the CCP.

Lan Shu: “The Diaoyu Islands offer very little material interests,
except it can hype up nationalism sentiments.
The CCP will lose and ten ASEAN countries will immediately
team up with the United States and Japan.
The second issue is Taiwan, which will become very complicated.
All the CCP’s investment of many years in Taiwan will be wasted.
Xi Jinping and the fifth generation of leaders will face a huge risk.
The Chinese navy’s equipment is far less than Japan.
This is not counting the US-Japan alliance behind Japan"

Some military commentators say, getting credit from military
has always been the trick for the new leadership of the CCP.

Guo Yongfeng, founder of Chinese Citizens Monitoring
Council: “Are you fighting for the Chinese dignitaries or fighting for the Chinese people?
We cannot even resolve our domestic conflicts
and we want to start a war.
I don’t believe it is likely to happen. If the CCP really wants
to fight, it will be like committing suicide.”

“Contend ” also revealed that Central Military Commission
Vice Chairman Fan Changlong made a “ready to fight” call.
He was inspecting the Beijing Military Region Air Force,
the East China Sea Fleet submarine brigade,
the Second Artillery Corps, the surface-to-surface missile
brigade in Shandong, and the Dalian Special Forces.

Guo Yongfeng: “If they really want to fight,
they are just shifting the domestic view.
They ask the public to support the front blindly.
However, to be honest, people are reluctant to fight for them or lose their lives for that.
People even resist exorbitant taxes,
which they can no longer afford.”

Guo Yongfeng, founder of the Chinese Citizen monitoring
Council, thinks the CCP has always acted like a weakling in dealing with other countries,
but they are brutal toward the Chinese people.

In China, even the angry youths hate the CCP’s guts, only
the paid youth supporters will cheer the CCP on, he said.
