【禁聞】李承鵬新書籤售 毛左生事















採訪/常春 編輯/尚燕 後製/王明宇

Li Chengpeng’s Augograph Session Suffers from Maoist Leftism

Renowned Mainland independent critic Li Chengpeng
met with continuous harassments during autograph sessions for
his new book ‘People of the World All Know.’
Jan. 12, he was forbidden to speak by Chengdu authorities.

His Beijing book signing session on Jan. 13 saw farces of
“violent attack” and “flying knife."

15:30, Jan. 13, Li Chengpeng’s autograph sessions for
his new book People of the World All Know
started in Beijing, Zhongguancun Book Building.

At the turn of the event long queues were formed.

At around 5pm, a man aged around 50 suddenly attacked
Li Chengpeng around the temple area during his book signing.
The attacker was arrested when he tried to run away.

China’s weibo users microblogged this event and carried
out a search on ‘human flesh.’
The attacker is named Yin Guoming, weibo account name
‘Folk Tiger.’
He used to be a lawyer at Shandong Deheng Law Firm,
and was disqualified two years ago.

Beijing human rights activist Liu Dejun:
“The so-called Folk Tiger was formerly a lawyer,
and is now publicly known as a Maoist lefty.
I suspect there is someone behind his actions
as he took great risks doing that so openly.
What if he really provoked public outrage and as a result was beaten?
He may also have been arrested or detained!”

Afterwards, Li Chengpeng continued to sign his books.
Around 7pm, another man approached Li.
When brought to one side the man pulled out a kitchen knife
from a plastic carrier bag he was carrying, throwing it in Li’s direction.

This man was recognized as
‘Huyanglin 717’ (his internet name).
The day before the book signing, he fought against
Li Chengpeng online and claimed he’d send Li a chopper.
Lastyear, Li Chengpeng posted on his weibo to criticize the
“real-name system" for buying kitchen knives.
When Li joked that one cannot buy a kitchen knife in Beijing,
Huyanglin 717 promised to send him one.
Li Chengpeng repliedHuyanglin should send the chopper
to the official media.

Liu Dejun: “Huyanglin must have been directed
by someone else, directed to send Li a chopper.
In the public fight between Wu Fatian and others,
he was also involved there, in addition to many other occasions.
This indicates that he is a professional in carrying out
what he did.
He might even have government background
serving as a secret spy.
Weibo released news saying he did not suffer consequence
for his actions once released,
afterwards he was free to go about his business,
even getting his glasses replaced.
This shows the authorities did not punish him at all.”

Later, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau official
weibo said,
Yin Guoming admitted his attacks, saying it was because
he objects to what Li Chengpeng says in his new book.

Netizens criticized the provocative actions of Huyanglin who
threw a knife at Li, saying he seriously disturbed public order.
Wu Fatian, associate professor of Chinese University
of Political Science and Law,
also known as a senior member of the “fifty-cents party",
openly supported Huyanglin,
saying he did not commit any crime by throwing a knife.

Beijing artist and independent filmmaker Yang Weidong
denounced Wu’s article.
He said if throwing a knife is not a crime, then
people should be allowed to rise up and
against CCP’s rule if they have an objection towards it.
If police believe that such behavior is not against the law,
then everyone can do this to those whose opinions he objects.

Li Chengpeng’s book signing met with problems
one after another.
The day before the Beijing session, Li Chengpeng held
an autograph session in Chengdu, where he received severe suppression.
Before the session Li received death threats saying
he was not allowed to attend and speak.
He later appeared in a bookstore in Chengdu wearing
a black mask.

Liu Dejun: “This should be seen as retaliation towards him.
For one thing, he said those words online to criticize government.
For another, he ran for representative of
People’s Assembly last year.
The government might want to cause him some trouble
so that later they can block him from the publics view.”

Famous biography writer, Xin Zailing:
“It’s not right for the Maoist lefties’ to make these troubles.

Li Chengpeng is supportive of the Constitution. He advocates
constitutional politics, democracy, and freedom of expression.”

The publication People of the World All Know,
is Li Chengpeng’s first collection.
Released a few days ago, it quickly became best seller online.
Li Chengpeng’s new book is soon to be released in Shenzhen.
