【禁聞】中國藍皮書示反腐成效 遭質疑
















採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/肖顏

China’s Blue Book Anti-corruption Efficacy Questioned

China’s Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) recently
released the second part of the anti-corruption Blue Book.
It claims, the corruption take many shapes and forms,
and the situation is critical.
The Blue Book shows that nearly 60% of the Chinese urban
and rural residents, have obvious confidence in the anti-corruption work of the last 5 years.
However, the true feelings of the people are not the same.
Let’s take a look at the report.

CASS released ‘China Anti-corruption Construction Report
No.2’ on December 19th, after a questionnaire investigation of people in all industries.
The report says, in 2011, the national discipline inspection
organs sanctioned 4843 county level cadres or above, and recovered a property of 8,44 billion Yuan.

The Blue Book says: ‘In the context of globalization,
ressources, finance, culture, information, etc.,
are all fast-moving multi-nationally, or integrating,
through the modern information technology.
The manifestations of corruption also changed, for example:
the corruption spreads from individuals to groups;
corrupt means changed from dominant to recessive,
circuitously extorting money, etc.’

However, the Blue Book claims that nearly 60% of Chinese
urban and rural residents have obvious confidence in the anti-corruption work of the last 5 years.
This is roughly the same as 2011,
with a slight increase.

Mr. Zhang, from Tianjin, was suppressed,
because of reporting corruption using his real name.
Mr. Zhang said, the corruption of the Chinese society
is impossible to control.
Now, in every industry there are unspoken rules,
officials are all laundering money in disguised forms, and CASS’ information is not reliable.

Mr. Zhang (Tianjin resident): “I reported several times to the
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection – it is useless, they do not even reply.
It is like the petitioners going to Beijing, who suffer from
violent demolitions and end up with the evil policemen killing and beating them, does it work?
It does not work. Why? Because the son has done evil, you
complain to the father, who also does evil, how can it work?”

Mr. Zhang asks, CCP (China’s Communist Party) even dare
not publish officials’ properties, is this anti-corruption real?
He said, the CCP is just putting up a show.

Thus, for the last 20 years, the more anti-corruption work
authorities claim, the more corrupted the society becomes.

The non-government anti-corruption lawyer from Shanghai
Zheng Enchong and his wife were summoned by the police.
Zheng believes, this is related to his petition,
requesting the publishing of the officials’ properties.

Member of ‘Mr. D Institute’ and Beijing lawyer Li Jinglin
pointed out, the conclusions of CASS’ Blue Book ‘do not have the necessary authenticity and authority.’
Li Xiangyang, who works in the field of Law,
also does not agree with the arguments in the Blue Book.
He thinks, CCP’s anti-corruption work is the same as before,
they use corrupted officials to punish corrupted officials, this cannot solve the problem from its roots.

After the 18th CCP congress,
many senior officials were dismissed.
CCP’s media revealed, among the endless corruption string,
‘the beauty club has developed into high corruption place.’
In Beijing, 12 female officials were sacked,
because of this.
This new form of ‘beauty corruption’
is fashionable and invisible, the repost says.
However, scholars have called for more motivation,
when implementing anti-corruption measures,
The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection’ secretary
Wang Qishan hopes that anti-corruption will not turn into a big movement.

Beijing ‘Jiafa Law Firm’ lawyer Lan Zhixue believes,
the authorities measures are still part of the routine for ‘maintaining stability,’ as they can’t fight corruption.

Lan Zhixue: “As a ruling party it can’t fight corruption,
since it monitors itself, it has to fight its own corruption.
Anti-corruption has to rely on external systems. There must
be sound systems, scientific, democratic, human rights, etc., to implement and oversee the mechanism.”

Mr. Zhang also believes, many senior officials were exposed
only because of internal interests groups’ fights.
He thinks, anti-corruption should start with opening up
the party and the censorship.

Lan Zhixue also points out that the real anti-corruption
needs the participation of the public and the media.
Now even the freedom of speech,
and the basic civil right of expression are restricted.
It is difficult to convince people,
that the anti-corruption measures are effective.

Mr. Zhang believes, only through abolishing the one-party
authority can there be a hope for anti-corruption measures, that can solve the problem fundamentally.
