

中國西南財經大學、美國德州農工大學(Texas A&M University)教授甘犁:“在去年(2011年)8月、和今年(2012年)6月,對中國的8,000戶家庭作了兩次調查,調查表明,今年中國的經濟放緩,對勞動力市場的影響,大於人們原先所想。”














採訪/李蓮 編輯/周平 後製/葛雷

Survey Reveals China’s True Unemployment Issue

On December 11th, Wall Street Journal published an article
titled,"Charting Chinese Unemployment, Inequality."
The article stated, “A new survey turns the received
wisdom about China]s economy on its head."
Let]s have a look at what more the article tells us.

Gan Li, professor at US Texas A&M University and China
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,
carried out two surveys of 8,000 Chinese households
in August 2011 and again in June 2012.
The surveys suggest that the slowdown of China’s economy
since this year has more influence on the labor market than previously expected.

Gan’s survey finds that China’s urban unemployment rate
was 8.05% in June 2012, which is slightly higher than the 8% in August 2011.
But it is still almost twice the official unemployment rate
of 4.1% announced by the National Bureau of Statistics of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Pu Fei (volunteer at 64tianwang.com): “The number of 4.1%
comes from statistics of registered unemployed population.
However, this does not work correctly because there』s
no well-regulated income tax return system in China.
The unemployment rate should include anyone
who does not have a regular monthly income.
Without an income tax return system
it is simply impossible to obtain accurate data."

Xie Tian, Professor at the Aiken Business School at
the University of South Carolina, commented on the topic.
Xie remarked that not only the employment rate is forged,
almost every officially published by the CCP number is false.

Xie Tian (Economics Professor, US):"Besides unemployment
rate, CCP also forges numbers such as GDP and Gini index.
All these are to create illusions of an economic prosperity
because if your economy is good, you should not have a high unemployment rate.
If your unemployment rate is very high, how can you
announce that you have a flourishing economy?
How can you attract more foreign investments
by deceiving them?
Even such a logical analysis can tell
that the number is probably not true."

The report mentioned that Prof. Gan’s survey was carried
out by his students who made direct home visits to urban or rural residents.
This overcomes the flaws of the official statistics.

The survey also shows, college graduates’unemployment
to be 3.6%, which is the lowest in all population groups.

Xie Tian: “If the unemployment rate is only 4% for the
whole society, then it should be fairly easy for the college students to find a job.
The CCP officially said the economic growth rate is 10%
and unemployment rate is 4%.
If those numbers are true, the economic growth will create
many more job opportunities which should lead to a shortage of college graduates."

Prof. Gan’s survey found China’s Gini coefficient to be 0.61,
which is much higher than 0.4, the critical point indicating significant social inequality.
In addition, China’s top 20% controls 68.4% of the total
national income while the lowest 20% only controls 0.5%.

Other statistics reveal that over half of Chinese families had
relatively low yearly incomes in 2011 with little savings left.
In comparison, China’s top 10% reaches families had earned
so much money that they contributed 74% of the total bank deposits, despite their luxurious life styles.

Xie Tian: “Everyone knows that a high employment rate
and bad economy will lead to more sympathy between civilians and better unity against the CCP’s regime.
Therefore, the CCP tries to create an illusion
by forging the statistics.
This can have the effect of making you feel it is your fault
that you are not able to find a job, as others are fine.
It just constantly tries to deceive the Chinese people
and the global society."

According to first-hand statistics by 64tianwang.com,
20 million of rural Chinese had lost their jobs because of land acquisitions and house demolitions.

Pu Fei: “The survival of those unemployed people will
inevitable lead to a higher risk of a wide social disorder.
Therefore, you have to provide people with ways to make
a living, if you want to make the unemployment rate drop.
If the current policies keep going like this, I"”

Gan Li remarked that the primary task of the government
should be the redistribution of the income.
That is, giving most Chinese families
more disposable income.
Instead, a recent report titled,"An Investigation on Social
Stability and Harmony" was submitted to the CCP Central Committee and State Council.
The report reveals that there have been deep-rooted,
abstruse problems leading to social instability.
And that they result from long-term unfair income
distribution, serious social inequality, and corruption,
in addition to high tension between political groups, intense
antagonism, and frequent conflicts of police and civilians.
