【新唐人2012年12月12日訊】週一,大陸著名網路爆料人周筱贇在微博發佈消息說:48億巨款在「中華少年兒童慈善救助基金會」(兒慈會)2011年的財務報表上,神秘出現又神秘消失。兩小時後,「兒慈會」 在官方網站聲明,賬目中小數點寫錯了,基金會絕無洗錢行為。但是,周筱贇仍然表示質疑。有分析指出,中國的所謂「基金會」,就是高官經濟運作的掩護體,洗錢的工具。
採訪編輯/李韻 後製/王明宇
A Children’s Charity Foundation Is Suspected of Money Laundering
On Monday, Zhou Xiaoyun, the famous Mainland network
whistle blower, broke the news on his microblog that
4.8 billion yuan was missing in the 2011 financial statements
of the “China Children Charity Relief Foundation"(CCCRF).
Two hours later, the official website of the CCCRF claimed
that it was due to a decimal point mistake, but not caused by money laundering.
However, Zhou Xiaoyun still has questions.
Some analysts pointed out that the so-called “Foundation"
is an economic shield for senior officials’ money laundering.
On the afternoon of the 10th, Zhou Xiaoyun said again
on his post that
at least 4.8 billion yuan was missing in the 2011 annual
financial statements of the CCCRF.
He also posted statement screenshots and indicated
the difference by a red line.
The report shows the income items, one labeled “other
business activities related to the cash” of 4,766,273,045.02 yuan;
another expenditure item called “other business activities
related to pay cash" in the amount of 4,840,617,722.28 yuan,
exceeding the cash received by more than 80,000,000 yuan.
Zhou Xiaoyun questioned, “Where did the mysterious
4.8 billion come from and where did it go?"
He suspects there might be money laundering
in the foundation.
The official website of the CCCRF issued an apology
that night to admit that a serious auditing mistake
in the financial report occurred due to a misplaced
the decimal point.
It correct amount was supposedly 475 million yuan
and not 475 billion.
Zhou Xiaoyun published two more blogs to question,
“If you point to the wrong decimal point, how do you explain the end digit?
Would you show the relevant council resolutions regarding
Chen Yongmiao, Beijing constitutional scholar,"If what
Zhou exposed is true, China’s Charity is involved in money laundering.
The process of money laundering is in its book."
Beijing constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao: “Charities
nowadays basically collude with economic crimes.
It is a concentration camp of economic crimes.
It is either corruption or money laundering.
Otherwise, I am afraid that they cannot exist.
In China, whether it is called economic or charitable,
it is basically a cover for a pure capitalist or
princelings’economic operations,
a tool for money laundering or property transferring."
The China Children Charity Relief Foundation
was established in Beijing on January 12, 2010.
It belongs to the Chinese public foundation.
Zhou Xiaoyun pointed out that the CCCRF is only a public
foundation in name,
but it is really similar to China’s Red Cross,
having a deep-rooted official background.
A majority of their founders, directors, supervisors,
and consultants are retired or serving senior officials,
and there are only a small number of
entrepreneurs and executives.
Zhou Xiaoyun questioned whether there is a Guo Meimei
in the CCCRF and, if yes, how many.
Internet writers Jing Chu pointed out that
Guo Meimei lives in a large villa and drives a Maserati.
Now people are very clear that the official charity
organizations are a cover for personal wealth enrichment.
Internet writer Jing Chu: “Official charities or foundations
are so greedy nowadays that they can take any money, even money dedicated to saving people’s lives.
This country is so corrupt that it is beyond description.
The Communist ruling is like a broken ship.
Anyone who recognizes this trend flees overseas.
People have lost confidence in this country."
At the end of October this year, nine people from the CCCRF
went to visit San Francisco, Atlanta, and Washington, which led to public questionings.
In mid-July of this year, “Angel Mother Fund,"
a subsidiary of the CCCRF,
began public fundraising to assist a Shandon boy before
fully understanding his condition, which caused criticism.
In addition, the account was not transparent
and they pocketed some of the donation.
Zhou Xiaoyun previously exposed the sky-high price of wine,
the Lu Meimei Sino-Africa Engineering project, Chongqing
pageant, Jiangsu Funing corrupt officials, the Ministry
of Railways 12306 Website and other major public events.
Charity circle openly curses him as the enemy
of the “public interest," and “a strangler of charity."
However, Zhou Xiaoyun said that the wrongdoers
are Lu Meimei and her supporters, but not a whistleblower like himself.