













採訪編輯/梁欣 後製/蕭宇

Doubts Over Who is the Real Ruler Behind New CCP Leadership Team

The new member list for the 18th Party Congress was
recently found to be identical with a list exposed earlier by foreign media.
The public suspect that there exists another person who is
the real ruler of the (CCP).
Foreign media recently disclosed black box operations
behind the new CCP leadership team election.

The latest issue of Hong Kong』s External Reference
reported voting results for the ten CCP top leaders.
It includes seven new politburo
standing committee members.
The monthly magazine said that the race for entry
into the Politburo Standing Committee and the seats was far more intense than had “previously been imagined”.
All the way, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang gained
unquestioned supports.
Xi won 2306 votes and Li, 2305 votes.

Among other five elected Politburo members,
Liu Yunshan, in charge of propaganda, won fewest votes.

Guangdong Party chief Wang Yang and State Councilor
Liu Yandong, were both finally out of the game.
The two actually had won more votes than Liu Yunshan
and Wang Qishang.
Wang Yang won 2300 votes and
Liu Yandong, 2301 votes.

Political observer He Anquan says, the final member list
for Politburo is identical with an earlier-exposed copy.
He Anquan questions who is the true ruler behind
the new seven standing committee member puppets?

He Anquan: “On one hand, the CCP regime is a result of
internal party election, a black box operation.
Now they have even violated the alleged
internal party democracy.
I believe that Wang Yang got more votes
than some other elected members.”

He Anquan thinks this news is quite reliable, which further
shows that the CCP is a mafia-like party.
All its practices are similar to underworld operations.

He Anquan: “So we cannot trust what it alleged that it is
serving people and working to create well-being for people.
We cannot trust that its socialism with Chinese
characteristics is in line with the interests of the Chinese people.
Even their top leadership election wasn』t based on its
members will, and so was in violation of its own Party』s principle. ”

Critic Hu Ping, chief editor of Beijing Spring magazine,
commented in a recent article.
He wrote that new CCP top leadership team is more like
a promotion by seniority and age.
The CCP now lacks a strong man who can have final say,
but still refuses to hold democratic elections.
Therefore, its factional fighting has been stalemated.

Hu Ping analyzes that the failure of Li Yuanchao and
Wang Yang was related to their younger age.
Liu Yandong failed because she was
the only female candidate.
Hu Ping says that the way of the CCP』s power transition
shows strong conservatism.
The Party elders attempted to “reign behind a curtain”.

Under such a power handover system, the newcomer will
find it very difficult to initiate reform and to form his own team.
Five years later, when both Xi and Li become elders,
who would not be motivated to launch reform, says Hu Ping.

He Anquan adds that the new top ruling leadership list
was pre-given, election is a mere formality.
The exposure of voting results might be due to an
unsatisfied election result or could be a protest against an unfair election.

He Anquan: “I look negatively at China』s future under
the rule of the CCP, which will never give up its conservatism.
I believe the new seven member list was a result of
bargaining, discussion, quarrel, and even resorting to force .
Negotiating parties included the old leadership team of
Jiang Zemin, of Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang.
Hu Jintao has only just stepped down from his post.

Now the new CCP leadership is under a co-governance
of three generations of previous top leadership in the same team.”

Li Yuanchao, the reportedly ideal candidate for the head of
CCP Central Organization Department, only got 2287 votes.
He came last on the ten top-ranking officials』 list,
with fewer votes than Liu Yunshan.

Independent scholar Gao Yu commented towards
Hong Kong’s Apple Daily.
She said that top leadership election of the 18th Congress
was staged after having gone through repeated preliminary elections and mobilizations.
This was to ensure that “the selected candidates will
definitely be elected”.
However, the final voting result of the ten top-ranking officials
showed a partial opposition to this pre-arrangement.
This proved that the CCP』s alleged democratic election
was not based on public opinion, but was the result of an internal power struggle.
This is why the authorities did not make public
the voting results.
