【禁聞】《鬼子來了》封殺十年 審查書曝光





文化評論家 葉匡政:「第一,他的片子有一種黑色幽默的性質。第二,他有對國民性的反思。在中國的抗戰電影裡面過去是沒有過的。第三,他展示了一種抗日當年真實的境況。因為中國的抗日電影一直是在一種非常簡單的意識形態,比如仇恨,復仇,英雄或敵人,這樣一個簡單的兩元化框架裡面展示故事的。」






採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/王明宇

Movie “Devils on the Doorstep” Banned

The movie “Devils on the Doorstep” was directed
by Jiang Wen in mainland China in 1998.
It received the Grand Jury Award
at the Cannes Film Festival on May 21, 2000.
In 2002, it won the best foreign language movie
at Mainichi Film Awards in Japan.
The win triggered deep thinking within the Japanese people
regarding the war.
However, the film doesn’t comply with the Chinese
Communist Party’s (CCP) rule, and was banned in China.
Recently, Prof. Su Mu at Beijing Film Academy revealed
a report by China State Administration of Radio Film and Television (SARFT).
Let’s take a look.

SARFT’s report claimed that in the film, Chinese people
don’t show enough “hatred and revolt” towards the Japanese.
And instead, they are shown to display
ignorance, apathy and servility.
SARFT also said that the film doesn’t correctly display the
cruelty of the Japanese army.
The film highlights the Japanese flaunting their invasion,
thus the fundamental direction of the film is “incorrect.”

The story is shown from a unique angle.

It tells of the ordeal between a Chinese villager and Japanese
soldiers in a Hebei village during the Anti-Japanese war.
The story is based on the novel “Survival,”
written by You Fengwei.
The movie has a lot of changes
compared to the original novel.
Film critic Li Xiangrui said that the original story emphasizes
Chinese soldiers and civilians courageously resisting the Japanese invasion.
However, the movie picked up villagers’ ignorance of the war,
directly pointing out the Chinese people’s weaknesses, and bringing more sense of apprehension into the story.
The author of the novel claimed
that the film distorted his original work.
However, Li Xiangrui believes that because Jiang Wen made
this brave changes, the movie is able to reveal inside stories.

Ye Kuangzheng, a poet and cultural commentator in China,
praised 『Devils on the Doorstep’ as the best movie since 1949.

Ye Kuangzheng: “First, the film has this black humor nuance.
Second, it is a reflection of national characters.
This has never been shown in past anti-Japanese war films.
And third, it displays the true war situation at that time.
Chinese anti-Japanese movies usually have simple ideology,
showing stories of hatred, revenge, heroes and foes, etc.”

Ye Kuangzheng said that all anti-Japanese war’ films, like
“Tunnel Warfare,” and “Zhang Ga, The Soldier Boy” display simple ideology towards the anti-Japanese war.
However, “Devils on the Doorstep” is different, it is very
genuine and its’ story compares to those of similar films.

Ye Kuangzheng said that literature and art
must show a wide range of expressions.
They should show different angles,
displaying ignorance or a firm stance.
Its like each country’s history –
some can be proud of their past, others can be ashamed.

Ye Kuangzheng: “According to current ideology,
we usually only display what we are proud of.
The film can be claimed as outstanding,
but the facts behind it are not true.
Sometimes to show the history of suffering or a nation’s
apathy and ignorance; or to display a nation experiencing hardship, are more important.
The more there is to understand the history of people’s apathy,
suffering and ignorance, the less humanity they will lose.
Thus, the desire for the truth and conscience
can be awakened.”

Ye Kuangzheng said that in over a century,
many important historical events took place in China.
However, the literary works in mainland China didn’t reflect
Chinese people’s true feelings, particularly their suffering.

However, according to SARFT, “Devils on the Doorstep”
has seriously gone astray.
One of the issues is that a Kuomindang (KMT) general
declares that only the KMT can legally accept the surrender of the Japanese troops.
SARFT claimed that this scene didn’t have the effect
of criticizing KMT.
Some netizens commented that this is maybe
the most painful for the CCP issue with this movie.
