【禁聞】外媒:中共空軍基地糟 打仗必敗





時政評論家 伍凡:「中國空軍這幾十年來沒有打過仗。不如埃及和以色列打過。中東的世紀戰爭,他們的空軍都有交往,伊朗,以色列,伊拉克,阿富汗,他們的空軍有作戰經驗,唯獨中國這個大國,共產黨的空軍,他沒有作戰經驗。」






採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/肖顏

Chinese Air Force Rated “Lousy"

The latest issue of Kanwa Defense Review published
an article by military commentator Andrei Chang.
It asserted that the Chinese Air Force Base
is “lousy" and would “be defeated" in a war.
The article said, Chinese Air Force fighters are usually
parked in mound-type bunkers or lined up in the airfields.
During the 1967 Middle East War, the Arab air forces,
parked similarly, were easily destroyed in the Israeli attack.

Andrei Chang remarked that in the sense of modern war,
air force base construction is determinant of its first victory.
China’s J7 and J8 fighters are now mostly being parked
in mound-type bunkers or lined up in the airfields.
Chang thus commented
that this is an inertia type air force.

The article said that countries with powerful air forces
have all taken lessons from the 1967 Middle East war.
On June 5, 1967, at 7:45 am, the Israeli Air Force attacked
airfields across Egypt.

At that time, the Egyptian Air Force fighters were all lined up
on the airfield or parked in the mound-type bunkers.
Within 20 minutes, 400 Egyptian fighters were wiped out.

The article cited a former Egyptian pilot as saying,
“It wasn’t defeated in air combat, it failed to even get a chance to fight back.”

Critic Wu Fan: “Over past decades, Chinese Air Forces
haven’t been in wars, but both Egypt and Israel have.
Air Forces of Iran, Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan
have all had combat experiences, too."

Chang’s article said, after the 1967 Middle East War,
Air Forces of both the former Soviet Union and the US changed the construction of their air force bases.
Constructions were designed to protect fighters in air raids,
and to accelerate fighter’s take-off.

Andrei Chang pointed out that China’s best air force bases
have built simple aircraft hangars and underground caverns.
The 7th Air Division stationed in Zhangjiakou built four exits
for each underground hangar compared to the usual two.
At least 50% of the Chinese Air Force bases learnt from the
1967 war by building underground caverns, the article said.
However, in most Chinese Air Force airports
there is only one runway.
Andrei Chang commented that the logic behind it
is aiming to hide the fighters.

Wu Fan: “They have some idea on protecting fighters,
but they still haven’t had any experience in war.
The air force still lack knowledge about engine production
and airfields protection, among others concepts.
How to protect the airfield and counterattack capability?
This can only be learnt by experiencing a real war.
It’s useless to give only lip service
without practical experiences.”

After having experienced wars, the air forces of Egypt
and Pakistan have not constructed underground caverns.
As underground caverns can be easily targeted
by today’s laser-guided bombs and weapons.
That would amount to losing air supremacy.

Therefore, the Egyptian Air Force prioritized to accelerate
fighters’ take-off, according to Chang’s article.

Andrei Chang revealed that it was not until after 2000,
when some of China’s air force bases began to build more fortified and sheltered aircraft bunkers.
Fujian’s frontline airfield
has almost completed such constructions.
The 2nd Air Division based at Suixi built it’s first US-style
aircraft bunkers and simple aircraft fortress-type hangars.
Recently, the 29th Air Division has constructed
similar fortress-type hangars.
