【禁聞】計劃購釣魚島 日海上調查未登島

【新唐人2012年9月3日訊】 計劃購釣魚島 日海上調查未登島







礦場違規開採 無監控




500強企業 央企佔前10名


據媒體統計,在這500家企業中,有310家國有企業、190家民營企業。國企的平均營業收入為897.9億元,是民營企業的1.55倍;國企的資產總額為4937.8億元,是民營企業的4.4倍; 另外,國企的利潤56.45億元,是民營企業的3.15倍。



Japan’s Plan of Buying Diaoyu Islands

On September 2, Tokyo Metropolitan dispatched a
“Finding Mission” to the Diaoyu Islands (Uotsuri Jima) area.
They spent 10 hours investigating the plan of
the so called “Buying Diaoyu Islands.”

Since the Japanese government denied Tokyo to land
on the islands,
the “Finding Mission” examined water temperature,
terrain, and depth.

CCTV reported three reasons
why the Japanese didn’t land on the islands.
First, there was a right-wing person who led
a bad relationship between China and Japan in the past.
Japan doesn’t want to irritate China, So it must be cautious.
Second, the “Finding Mission” has work to do.
If they were forced onto the islands, the Japanese Coast Guard
would prevent them from completing their task.
Third, Tokyo Metropolitan knew that governor Ishihara
planned to have an in-depth investigation in October.
If they were forced onto the Diaoyu islands,
it would make it harder to get on next time.

Governor Ishihara said in Washington DC in April this year
that he would “buy the Diaoyu islands” on behalf of Tokyo.
The Japanese central government also declared
it wants to “nationalize” the Diaoyu islands.
The Tokyo government and the central government
have started a “war on buying the islands.”

According to China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website,
the Office of the PRC Foreign Ministry spokesman responded to a journalist on the issue of the Diaoyu Islands.
Apparently, China had asked for negotiation in terms
of Tokyo investigating in the Diaoyu Islands sea illegally.

Gas Explosions in Illegal Minning

Forty-four victims have been found from a mine gas explosion
in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province.
China mainland media says the main reason behind
the accident is illegal mining without gas monitoring.

According to the initial investigation, the operator
was illegally mining, and there was no gas monitoring.
But such a mine without gas monitoring
has earned six certificates.

Another gas explosion occurred in Pingxiang City’s
Gaokang mine on the afternoon of September 2.
Media reported on September 3 that 13 died
and two are missing.
The report says chances of survival for the missing are little.

Top 10 China Companies Are State Enterprises

Beijing Business Today reported that the top 10 companies
of China’s 500 companies in 2012 were all state enterprises.
They are three state oil companies, four central banks,
State Grid, China Mobile, and China State Construction.

Those 500 companies include 310 state enterprises
and 190 private enterprises.
The average operating revenue of state enterprises is
RMB89.79 billion, 1.55 times that of private enterprises.
The total assets of state enterprises is RMB493.78 billion,
4.4 times that of private enterprises.
The profit of state enterprises is RMB5.645 billion,
3.15 times that of private enterprises.

The report says state enterprises obtain upstream factors
of production recourses, and show their power of control.
But they lack influence.
Their biggest advantage is that of scale.
They were expected to be big and strong,
however now they are only big, and not leading changes.
