【禁聞】五常委齊現信訪會 周永康成看點





時事評論員林子旭認為,讓周永康談「嚴格依法行政」,等於讓周永康自己扇自己的耳光。同時,信訪局是由國務院管理, 政法委恰恰是上訪人員的天敵,讓周永康政法委書記主持這個會議,也是很可笑的事情。







採訪/編輯/常春 後製/朱娣

China’s High Level Leaders Attend Petition Conference, What Role Will Zhou Yongkang Play?

Recently, a petition work conference was held in Beijing.
Five Standing Committee members, including Hu Jintao, attended.
Regarding this rare grandeur, analysts said that due
to the 18th Congress approaching, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wants to deliver messages to the public.
Let’s have a look at what messages may be.

Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang
and Zhou Yongkang attended the meeting on July 13.
Sources said that during the 5th meeting in 2001, only ex
Premier Zhu Rongji met with conference representatives.
In 2007, only Premier Wen Jiabao attended the meeting.

Lin Zixu, current affairs commentator: “A very interesting
show, particularly Zhou Yongkang.
Actually people had been accumulating very deep resentments
about the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC).
As everyone knows, Zhou Yongkang is the leading cause.

Hu, Wen, Xi and Li didn’t belong to the bloody-debt faction,
and their reputations are better.
However, Zhou is the real head of the bloody-debt faction.

Obviously, Hu, Wen, Xi and Li wanted to tell people that
they have nothing to do with bad deeds, it was done by Zhou."

Zhou Yongkang raised five suggestions in the meeting.

First he said,"To further implement the basic strategy of
ruling the country according to law, strictly on law-based administration and judicature justice."

Lin Zixu believes that Zhou’s saying, “Strictly on law-based
administration"appears to be a slap in his own face.
The petition bureau is under management of the State Council,
and PLAC is a natural enemy of petitioners.
To let Zhou Yongkang chair such a meeting is a joke.

Petition bureau is a short name for"receiving letters
and petitioners."
It is a specific way of expression and complaint
under the CCP rule.

Heng He, current affairs commentator, said that the Petition
Bureau was established after the CCP claimed power.
The CCP wanted to express their closeness to people,
it’s just a political gesture.

Heng He: “The so-called maintaining ‘stability’and petition
works, is actually a way of easing community conflicts.
To use methods solving existing community problems
won’t work."

Recently, there have been more and more mass protests
across China.
Local PLAC resorted to violence to achieve “stability,"
which triggered even more opposition.
Consequently, CCP was heavily criticized
by international media.
Before the 18th Congress, how will CCP change
its strategy of “maintaining stability"?

Lin Zixu: “CCP top officials must feel the unprecedented fear.
The Beidaihe meeting is coming, shortly before the 18th congress.
In such a sensitive period, CCP uses such a high level meeting
to ease the anger of the public, and to address petitioners’concerns.
Many CCP leaders can’t speak out their fear, so they can only
use such a method to be interactive with the public in an attempt to stabilize the situation."

Lin said that the CCP never wants to give people justice
or open a channel for petitioners no matter how the meeting goes.
