












採訪/劉惠 編輯/李蓮 後製/葛雷

Will Zhou Yongkang Last Through the 18th CCP National Congress?

After the fall of Bo Xilai, the Chongqing prosecution system
had a major restructurization.
Prosecutors in a total of 38 districts and counties were replaced.

Some top ranking military officials also stated
their allegiance to President Hu Jintao.
It is widely believed that Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang
are in a hopeless predicament.
Recently, tightened internet control and free speech,
plus rumors of the appearance of Jiang Zemin, the boss of the bloody debts group,
leads people to believe Zhou Yongkang may be safe at least
until after the 18th National Congress."
Some scholars speculate that this could be a hoax and believe
there will be serious consequences if Zhou Yongkang goes free.
Let’s hear what they have to say.

Earlier, many media reports revealed that Zhou Yongkang
had attempted a coup in an effort to topple Xi Jinping.
The ban of news reporting on scandals involving Zhou
Yongkang and his family has been lifted on the internet in China.
However, recently domestic internet blockage and
a crackdown on free speech has gotten more serious;
many outspoken individuals such as Ye Huo, Gao Yu,
and others have been confronted by and had to “have a little chat” with authorities.

On the 21st, some overseas media reported that “prior to
the 18th National Congress, Zhou Yongkang will not be touched.”

Professor Zhang Tianliang of George Mason University indicates

that from a Chinese historical point of view, no one can survive
by offending the next successor; there have been no exceptions.
If Hu and Wen cannot deal with Zhou Yongkang decisively,
they will fail miserably, and their relatives and friends will be implicated.

Zhang Tianliang: “If (Hu and Wen) don’t address it and let it go,
their appeasement will bring disaster.
Should Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang come to power, they
will throw out Hu and Wen, who will die sadly.
I don’t think Hu and Wen will let go of Zhou Yongkang.

If someone engaged in such a thing as a coup is able to retire
peacefully, that’s pretty much saying everyone is free to engage in a coup.
Zhou Yongkang did not give himself leeway;
I don’t think Xi Jinping will leave him leeway either."

Western media broke the news that the CCP Central
Committee conducted an investigation into Zhou Yongkang;
Zhou Yongkang had to write a self-criticism report.

The contents of this report have been distributed widely
amongst the provincial and ministerial level.

Chinese historian and former Capital Normal University
associate professor, Li Yuanhua, says that
after Zhou Yongkang’s self-criticism,
Hu and Wen might temporarily let go of him in order to
maintain stability of the regime and a smooth transition
during the 18th National Congress.
However, Zhou Yongkang’s conspiracy, in an effort to fulfill
his life aspirations for power, has long been in the works.
It will be impossible for him to fully submit to Hu and Wen.
Once he has a chance to recuperate, he will stage a comeback.

Li Yuanhua says that if the bloody debts group is to prevail,
they will follow the CCP’s practice of
using politics to mask financial corruption in an effort
to topple Hu and Wen and seize top political status.

Chinese historian Li Yuanhua: “Zhou Yongkang represents
a pack of people. He’s not alone;
he is a representative of the bloody debts group.
Keeping him is equivalent to keeping the bloody debts group.
I believe the gang members in the bloody debts group share
the same attitude, which is to struggle to stay alive.
They are afraid of punishment for their bloody crimes.

That’s why on one hand they are involved in suppression,
while on the other they aggressively struggle for power.
Without any indications, he plotted the coup.
I believe he will continue. He is only temporarily keeping a low profile."

Zhang Tianliang analyses that there is no need for the army
to openly express their loyalty
if Hu and Wen are only targeting the Politburo member Bo Xilai
and not the Politburo Standing Committee, Zhou Yongkang.

Zhang Tianliang: “I believe it is more than likely
false information.
After Bo Xilai’s case, many military personnel expressed
their support of Hu Jintao.
In fact, the army does not have to show their allegiance
while dealing with this level of Politburo member.
When Chen Liangyu was taken down or when Chen Xitong
was sacked, no military personnel spoke out.
Generally, military will only express their stance when
the Politburo Standing Committee is involved, such as
when Zhao Ziyang was taken down
for the June 4th student movement, or
when Deng Xiaoping was not happy about Jiang Zemin’s
opposition to ‘reform and opening up’ in 1992;
the army declared their support of Deng Xiaoping.

The military will only state their position
when dealing with the Standing Committee."

Li Yuanhua indicated that perhaps Hu and Wen are under
the assumption that Zhou Yongkang will step down after the 18th National Congress,
and thus it won’t be too late to deal with him afterwards.

However, the newly inaugerated Xi Jinping will be unable
to control the situation right away.
The bloody debts group will bring more damage to China
than ever before in order to avoid retribution.
