【禁聞】重慶貨車私運軍火 官方說辭矛盾


外界認為這個解釋漏洞百出,有專家指出,非軍用車輛私自運輸軍火在大陸是重罪。網友也紛紛質疑,有人說:「如屬正常軍品運輸,爲何要用民用車輛掩飾?」還有人說:「 1號的事情,5號出報導,而且還出不全?次日放行爲何不一塊兒發佈出來?」還有網友猜測:「司機怎麽會不知道車裏裝了甚麽,一個重慶公司怎麽會有權力託運這種重型殺傷性武器?」,「是不是爲了轉移罪證呢?或者打算逼宮?」






“Normal Munitions Transportation” Questioned

Hubei Enshi Evening News reported on April 5, of a truck,
intercepted on the highway near Chongqing on April 1.
The ordinary looking red truck was carrying unauthorized
12,033 deadly artillery shells, the report said.
The news was swiftly republished by China’s major media,
highly attracting netizens’ attention.
However, the original news report was soon removed
from the website of Enshi Evening News.
A few hours later, the website published
an update on the news.
It read, “The ordinary truck’s shipment of artillery shells
is a normal munitions transportation, and the next morning the vehicle was permitted to pass through.”

Outside commentators deemed the explanation
deeply flawed.
Using non-military vehicles for munitions transportation
falls into the category of grave crimes, said an expert.
Netizens too expressed their suspicions
by a slew of online postings.
A posting read, “If it is a normal military transportation,
why using a civilian vehicle to conceal it?"
Another said, “The issue happened on April 1, but was
reported on April 5.
Why was the coverage still incomplete?
Why it didn’t include the news about next-day’s passing?”
A netizen questioned, “How come the driver was unaware
of what he carried in the truck at that time?
How can a Chongqing company have such a power to
consign for shipment of such weapons for mass destruction?
Is this to transfer evidence of crimes?
Or it was intended to force the top leadership to abdicate?”

This year’s Tomb Sweeping Day was caught up in the
moment with Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) infighting.
A string of unusual moves taken by the regime
have aroused speculations from various sectors.
Over 200 people went to late Zhao Ziyang’s residence
in Beijing to pay their homage, according to news reports.
Many “sensitive” activists were allowed to enter, giving
the impression that the authorities’ control got loose.
On April 3, CCP’s official media published an article,
commemorating Hu Yaobang, the late CCP leader.
Unprecedentedly, nearly 100 media outlets in China
reproduced the article.
This CCP’ official media move drew world-wide attention
and speculation about its real intention.
Analysts say, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao are behind
the high-profile commemoration of Hu Yaobang.
This is a way to fight against Bo Xilai,
and to demonstrate power to Zhou Yongkang.
Jiang’s clique’ backed website Ifeng.com
released a special issue for Tomb Sweeping Day.
The special issue mourned Lin Biao in a high profile,
but excluded Mao Zedong.
Outside commentators said that another wave
of CCP’s infighting had started.
While others viewed the mourning of Li Biao
as a sign of people’s willingness to desert the CCP.

On April 4, CCP’ regime ordered renowned artist Ai Weiwei
to switch off the four live webcams he set up in his home.
Though CCP forced Ai to shut down his “self surveillance,”
the 15 installed by the police cameras outside Ai’s studio have never stopped operating.
