【禁聞】許宗衡被判死緩 貪賄額縮水涉內鬥
















Death Penalty for Ex-Mayor

Ex-Shenzhen mayor Xu Zongheng was sentenced
to death with 2-year reprieve for a bribery
of over RMB30M which is much smaller figure
than the reported by the media RMB2 billion.
Analysts think the huge bribery amount discrepancy
is due to the Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao struggle,
as this case involved Jiang’s mistress Huang Liman
and Jiang’s cohort Zhou Yongkang.

Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) official media
reported in November 2010 and January 2011
that Xu took bribery of over RMB2 billion
from all major construction projects in Shenzhen.
These reports can still be read online.

The reports say that Xu’s case revealed the situation
of collective corruption among Shenzhen officials.
Former Guangdong’ political consultative chairman
Chen Shaoji and ex-CCP secretary of Guangdong,
Wang Huayuan are all members of the corrupt group.

Xinhua listed Xu’s criminal counts including bribery
to get promoted and extremely degenerate life style,
but his other misdoings, like keeping mistresses,
were not mentioned.

Former Northeast bureau director of Wen Wei Po,
Jiang Weiping said that the bribery amount shrank
in order to give Xu chance for parole. This is a new
sign of struggle among CCP’s high ranking officials.

Jiang Weiping said Hu’s bloc was initially stronger,
so Xu’s RMB2 billion bribery figure was released.
Later on the balance of power struggle has changed.
Jiang’s clique with its “princelings” turned offensive
and the trial of Xu Zongheng changed direction.

In late 2007, Wang Yang, forerunner of Hu’s bloc,
became the CCP secretary of Guangdong province.
Backed by the central disciplinary committee,
he convicted several Jiang’s clique members
including the Supreme Court’ vice chairman
Huang Songyou, and Guangdong’ officials
Chen Shaoji and Xu Zongheng.
Most of them were sentenced to death with reprieve.

Heng He (political commentator): “By convicting
Chen Shaoji and others, Hu’s bloc was penetrating
into the public security system controlled by Jiang’s
cohort Zhou Yongkang, because Hu also wanted to
attack Zhou Yongkang. Convicting Xu Zongheng,
Hu also stroke at Huang Liman, a major member
of Jiang’s clique, controlling Guangdong.”

Huang Liman was former Shenzhen’ CCP secretary
and Guangdong Province vice party secretary.
After Xu was removed from his post,
it was said that Huang was also removed
but because of Jiang’s protection Huang Liman
and Zhou Yongkang were not hit hard.

Wu Fan (editor-in-chief, China Affairs):
“Xu Zongheng is only a link in the struggle between
Hu and Jiang before the 18th CCP central meeting.
At a central level, this is the struggle between
the central disciplinary committee and the political
and judiciary committee, or Jiang vs. Hu struggle.
Who will be the winner? We do not know yet.”

Specialized in writing inside information of CCP
officials, Shi Dongbing was once a popular figure
for revealing the corruption of Xu Zongheng,
but on April 25, Shi was sentenced by Beijing Court
to 15 years of prison. It is believed
that he got convicted for pounding on Xu.

China’s netizens questioned Xu’s case by circulating
an article titled, “Why did Jiang’s Clique member
Xu Zongheng’ bribery amount shrink so much”,
on Netease, Baidu, Sina and other forums and blogs.

The article listed Xu’s six highest corruption records,
including the RMB2 billion bribery amount.
However, 2 years later it shrank to RMB33 million,
making Xu only an average corrupt official.
This is indeed of unique Chinese characteristics.

Jiang Weiping said that Xu’s case indicated
the low penalties on Chinese corrupt officials,
and the ever changing corruption fighting policies.
It also signifies CCP’s nature of fighting corruptions,
which is a tool of power struggle. Judges are staged
figures for show only, while verdicts are deceitful.
CCP’s system is a corruption flourishing medium.

NTD reporters Li Yuanhang and Xiao Yu
