【禁聞】香港吹紅風 “國民教育”被斥洗腦












Hong Kong’s “Citizen Education"

In celebration of its 90th anniversary,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intensifies
“red propaganda" in China, including Hong Kong.
HK government began probing public view on a plan
to introduce patriotism lessons to schools.
Politicians and educators are worried
that “patriotic education” will become
political propaganda tool.
Law Yuk Kai, director of HK Human Rights Monitor
calls such patriotic education brainwashing.

HK government announced that “patriotic education”
aims at “building national harmony and identity,”
and includes learning the Chinese national anthem,
political system, and national sports teams.

The lessons also include “citizenship recognition”
that teaches children to “be proud as Chinese”,
“actively learn Mandarin”,
and “stand up during the flag ceremony”.

Law Yuk Kai, director of HK Human Rights Monitor
criticized the HK government
for introducing patriotic education
while sacrificing human rights education.
Such patriotic education is brainwashing
as it focuses on boosting CCP’s image
without much discussion on its corruption
and human rights issues.
Some teaching materials used in these lessons
are also historically unsound.

HK government refuted such accusations,
claiming that teachers will have freedom
in lesson planning and classroom discussions.
However, authorities avoid human rights issues,
such as the Tiananmen Massacre,
Ai Weiwei, and Liu Xiaobo,
when introducing the plan on patriotic education.

Cheung Man-kwong, HK education sector legislator,
warned that patriotic education
replacing citizenship education
brings potential for political brainwashing.

Prof. Leung Yan Wing at HK Institute of Education
says that replacing citizenship education
with patriotic education brings many problems.
First, the term is against the global trend.
“Patriotic education limits students within a country,
and does not give them a global perspective.”

According to Leung, a more serious problem lies
in the ideology: patriotic education does not fit
into the movement of globalization,
as it is very exclusive.
“Human rights education and global citizen education
need to be balanced,” Leung said.
“Nationalism brings the potential danger
of racial hatred and even genocide.
There are many such cases in history.”

Analysts believe the HK government is pressured
by Beijing to promote patriotic education.

According to RFA, the CCP is threatened
by the increasing number of protests
in front of its “Liaison Office” in HK,
as well as the online criticism by HK residents.
Implementing patriotic education is its way
to control the situation.

NTD reporters Wang Ziqi and Wang Mingyu
